For Maria

For Maria

May the everlasting Joy be yours throughtout the days of your life.

May the peace of the Lord that surpasses all understandings be yours all the Way of your endeavor.

May God who gave you life and Bless you with the dews of Heaven and Wealth of the Earth give you Love more aboundantly.

May He who hears all your prayers and intercessions grant you the desires of your heart - Always and bring to you His delights for your portion of the Great Rewards.

May He who judges the living and the dead show you His Way so that all your precepts comply with His ways perfectly and completely.

May you Who calls on the Name of the Lord honor His Name in All the Earth throughtout the days under the Sun.

May He who grant you all your heart's desire also grant you the longevity of life to enjoy the work of His Hands.

May He whose Wisdom has no end also impart to you the heart filled with the insight and the understandings from the hidden knowledge of His Heart.

May He whose right hand lift you up high in front of all your enemies also grant you the Victory surpassing all your foes in every dominion of yours.

May He who heals all your disease and sickness will you be His Reward to show forth His Faithfulness to His Words, Deed, and Truth.

May your shalom from God denounces all the nay sayers and wonton their ways.

May He whose fingers make Wonders for you give you instructions over your foes in everything you do!

May your Days triumph over all your enemies and all your deed surpasses all their accusasions in public arena as in private encounters.

May He who sustain your days also give you wisdom to manage all your opponents easily.

May the Love of God that surpasses all our understandings abide in you and with you all the days of your life.


You can always call on God and He will bring you through!


God Bless!




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